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Photographs of some of the lizards we keep and some of those we are selling

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Tunisian Eyed Lizard (<i>Timon pater</i>)<br /> This is a mature male but only 18 months old. Plenty of growth left in him yet! An immature male Gran Canaria Giant Lizard (<i> Gallotia stehlini</i>). The head will grow truly massive within the next year or so. Hatchling Gran Canaria Giant Lizard <i>Gallotia stehlini</i>. Sadly the lovely markings fade as they grow older.

Starred x Painted Agama <i> Laudakia s.stellio x L.s.brachydactyla</i>. Actually the offspring of this totally fertile cross. Less scatterbrained than L.s. stellio. Plumed Basilisk (<i>Basiliscus plumifrons</i>)Spectacularly beautiful lizards. A bit more of a challenge than some species but thrive in large indoor vivaria. This is a young female. Lots of plant decoration suits them and makes the vivarium look better. Bearded Dragon (<i>Pogona viticeps</i>)This is an adult male showing its "beard" in what tries to be a fearsome display. In reality - they are absolute sweeties!

Tunisian Eyed Lizard (<i>Timon pater</i>).
Beautiful animals, closely related to the European Eyed Lizard but not as hardy. This is a group of juveniles. Those already showing green colouration are probably males, Yemen or Veiled Chameleon (<i>Chamaeleo calyptratus</i>). Both one of the most spectacular of chameleons and one of the easiest to maintain Balkan Green Lizard (<i>Lacerta trilineata</i>). This is a newly hatched baby. By the time we sell these they are substantially grown. As they grow they become green, females sometimes retaining the stripes which give them their scientific name.

Tenerife Lizard. (<i> Gallotia gallotia</i>). Approaching the size of Eyed lizards when fully grown these are a beautiful lizard - especially the males with the vivid blue spots on the flanks. Juvenile Tunisian Eyed Lizard. (<i>Timon pater</i>). The bright green and pronounced occelations suggest this might be a male. Juvenile Tunisian Eyed Lizard (<i>Timon pater </i>). This slightly duller and relatively unmarked animal is probably a female.

Juvenile Tunisian Eyed Lizards (<i>Timon pater</i>). These two are probably a pair although this cannot be guaranteed at this age. This is an adult female Italian Wall Lizard (<i>Podarcis siculus campestris</i>). She is a regular breeder. This is a male Australian Water Dragon (<i>Physygnathus leseurii</i>). He is 3 years old and although far from fully grown he is sexually mature.

This is a male Moroccan Eyed Lizard (<i>Timon tangitanus</i>). Rarely seen in the UK this is one half of a pair available in October 2010 One of the Bearded Dragon (<i>Pogona vitticeps</i>) babies available in 2010. Some of the Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps) babies available in 2010. Tyrannosaurus NOT included

Tunisian Eyed Lizard (<i>Timon pater</i>). Truly beautiful lizards. Can become very tame as adults. Can be kept in a frost-proof greenhouse or an indoor vivarium similar to Beardies but do not need to be so hot. A baby Australian Water Dragon (<i>Physignathus leseurii</i>). A lovely portrait showing just how supercilious they can look! Australian Water Dragon (<i>Physignathus leseurii</i>)- 2010 baby. These beautiful semi-hardy Water Dragons are easier to maintain than, and equally as beautiful as, the popular Thai Water Dragon.

Australian Water Dragon (Physignathus leseurii)- 2010 baby. These beautiful semi-hardy Water Dragons are easier to maintain than, and equally as beautiful as, the popular Thai Water Dragon. Spiny Tail or Black Iguana. Young male just beginning to come into his adult colouration. Orange Spotted Agama (<i>Laudakia stellio picea</i>). This is an adult female. These animals are considerably smaller than other stellio but extremely beautiful. Semi-hardy. Will become tolerant rather than tame.

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